Transit stations can take advantage of more convenient options and connections with bus and railway systems. They contain specific features that are designed to encourage public transportation usage and differentiate between the city's developments from urban sprawl. Examples of these features include mixed-use developments that use transportation at all times of the day and excellent pedestrian facilities such as complex shopping malls, restaurants and parking lots.
Public Space for Shopping Mall Solutions
For a typical trip, most of the travel time is spent waiting and passengers tend to be particularly sensitive to the conditions around where they wait. By providing a comfortable and clean experience, passengers can use all that waiting time to do more shopping. In the mall, the OPS883-H can be bundled with a large size digital signal to provide convenient user information like transportation routes and schedules or fare information. Passengers can check realtime vehicle and train arrival information so they know exactly when their train for bus is scheduled to arrive. This will significantly reduce passenger stress and allow them to utilize their time more efficiently. In a store, the GOT5153W-834 can check product availability, information and price, which can increase sales volume by 15 percent annually. When entering a transit station, passengers can check the information of each floor via the IFO2225. With an elegant design, this touch panel PC can be placed in public facilities for extensive interaction. Axiomtek provides the most stable and reliable platforms available to help with your sales.
Transit Station
Intelligent Management for Parking Lot Applications
Searching for a parking space can be a major inconvenience and its a problem that all drivers must endure from time to time. However, smart parking solutions can help save drivers a great deal of time. When entering a parking lot, the GOT812LR-834 can distribute parking vouchers to ensure a parking space, with a designated location, so that visitors can quickly find their spot. After finishing up your business, you can pay for your parking via the FDK172-834, which is suitable for many environments since it has a wide temperature operating range and anti-scratch surface design. After paying, the location of your car can be shown on the FDK172-834's screen and a rBOX510-6COM can operate the parking lot's gate system for exiting vehicles. Smart parking systems can make your parking situation more efficient.
Rolling Stock Computing for Rail Applications
To increase its safety and productivity, it has became one of the most important concerns to make the intelligent transportation system by the advanced electronics information systems. We provide several solutions that are perfect for rolling stock computing. The GOT710-837 and GOT712-837 are targeted for the rolling stock industry with a special design scheme to meet the installation criteria needed for railway vehicles. The other solutions are the tBOX322-882-FL and tBOX323-835-FL, which can connect to the P6105 touch panel monitor. We pass numerous environments tests and are certificated with EN50155 standard. Rapid transit systems, metropolitan rails, commuter rails, high speed rails, trams and trains will take full advantage of the GOT700, tBOX and P6000 series products.
Vehicle Computing for Bus Applications
E-bus stations can present information and show messages pertaining to bus route numbers, real-time tracking of bus locations, the number of stops each bus has and arrival time. Connect with GPS and use GPRS to pass information to the network control center in the fastest and most accurate way possible. Created to meet the most critical demands in the most rugged environments, the rBOX111-4COM is specifically designed to operate in extreme temperatures. The tBOX322-882-FL and tBOX323-835-FL are both certified with eMark for in-vehicle equipment and ISO-7637 certified for vehicle power requirements that enable it to connect the GOT3177T-834 and P6187W in order to deliver its customer's content on transportation services such as buses. Total e-bus system solutions help passengers know the real-time location of buses in order to avoid any stress while waiting for their ride.